Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Iron Girl Project - Systems Report

So of course I've fallen behind in posts, because, well, life happened. Those of you visiting from the RPF, you're already caught up, but those of you who aren't, here's the latest developments!

The Iron Girl Project Directives

The IGP has been split into three directives, each with it's own project structure and priority level. This is mostly due to space constraints - I'm aiming to have all the design and engineering bits squared away before I move into a larger space to start manufacturing processes (mills, welders, and apartments don't get along).

IGP Directive 1 - Modular Exoskeleton Platform:

- This is just a fancy way of saying I'll be continuing the work on the interior exoskeleton and associated software/hardware. I will still be working on an interior skeleton compatible with as many types of foam and pep armor as I can, allowing for extensible I/O, HUD integration, and eventually power-assisted limbs. I'm rather fond of the idea that anybody will be able to 3D print/CNC/mill/cut out an interlocking skeleton, and with a bit of foam or risers, put it on under their armor and bring an extra level of realism to it. .STL and source files will be free, of course, and I'll probably put them up here/on GitHub/somewhere.
- ETA: It'll be a continually evolving project, but I'd like to get an upper-body prototype together by December/January, adding power assistance as funds permit. Here's some recent images of the right forearm in progress:

IGP Directive 2 - War Girl Mk 1:

- This is something I've been gnawing on for a while - an Iron Girl suit with weapons all over it, what's not to love? I've been making some Pep files of the War Machine Mk 1, just to get my eye in on pepping and also to have a model to draw on and sketch all over. I'll be using a tweaked Mk VII suit as a base, and the wonderful Darkside501st over on the RPF has been super awesome in letting me use his 3D files from his Mk VII. I'm making this strictly as costume armor, mostly as an excuse to make an exo with a bunch of weapons stuck on it. Here's some concept art as a teaser:

IGP Directive 3 - Iron Girl Mk 1:

- This is probably the most exciting of all (at least, to me). This is the long-term, "real steel" exoskeleton - I'll be doing what stress testing I can against blunt and sharp weapons, small-caliber firearms, heat, and extreme weather. Will it rival DARPA's XOS or TALOS suits? Probably not. But will it be built by one girl out of her garage/apartment? Yes, and that's kind of the point. Currently, it's strictly in the design phase - I'm collaborating with a few people on this, and I might throw up a thread about it on the RPF, if people are curious enough. Most of the news on this will be delivered right here though, once it gets rolling. I've gotten ahold of some mechanical simulation software to do stress and pressure analysis operations, and fabrication will involve some heavier-duty tools/machinery. But it's happening, and I'll release as many files I can as I go along.

Other Stuff!

- Some 3D models I have previously produced for this project are in the process of being converted/recreated in CAD format, for more precise manufacturing and simulation testing, so there may be some changes in design and appearance as this goes along.
- A new version of the HUD code (v0.5) will be out by the end of the year, but there will be a lot of changes to make the code more extensible and stable. So for those of you who have downloaded the code or made changes/additions, you might have to tweak them when the update is released.


Also, I'm now accepting donations! I've been funding this escapade entirely with what I can take out of my paycheck, so if you'd like to help me afford some of the tools, components, and caffeine I'll need to get this done, please click the Donate link on the sidebar! I know everybody says this, but every little bit counts. Even a dollar gets me a few resistors and a Coke Zero.

I hope you're as excited as I am about the peoject, and more news is coming soon!


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