Saturday, April 12, 2014

Iron Girl Project - Concept

The Iron Girl concept was simple. Build a functional Iron Man-like suit, omitting technologies that:

- don’t exist yet
- weren’t financially feasible or reasonable*
- required special licensing/storage/care (there won’t be tank missiles)

The original Iron Girl framework design was garbage and I’m not posting it. However, below is the most complete sketch I have of the current framework (though it is constantly evolving).

I’ll explain all systems in their own detailed posts, but for now, here’s the system overview:

The HUD is (for now) an HMD from my scrap pile running on a composite RCA connection. I’m overlaying a raspivid feed onto a Pygame user interface.

The system relies heavily on the I2C bus to get data moved around. Repulsor firing is also controlled by the I2C bus (a decision I really didn’t want to do, but ended up having too - see Repulsor notes), and the Raspberry Pi is right in the center of it all.Most of the I2C slaves are 3.3v Adafruit Trinkets, with the exception of a 16-channel servo controller.

Firing is controlled using buttons hidden along the left side of the right-hand index finger, accessed by the thumb. The repulsor arms are “warmed up” by their position - I’m still testing whether a flex sensor or a tilt sensor is better for this.

Now to rummage through my notes to make decent explanations of the individual subsystems.



*Even though this is one of my biggest dreams ever, it is still, at best, a weekend warrior project. Thus the amount of resources I can justifiably pour into it is limited - however, I’m kind of glad of that - it’s forced me to be more creative than usual with what I have. In the future, I might implement some sort of donation system if people want to actually give money to make this better, but for now, I’ll keep everything on my court in case I muck it up.

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